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Math Tutoring
and more!

Easy as Pi Mathematics Math tutoring and more!!
Students at Easy as Pi get better grades, have increased accuracy and speed, and are able to stay at or above their grade level in math, all while being part of our fun and interactive program!


"I want to write a review for "Easy as Pi" but I think it would be better if my daughter, Isabella (the student) told you about her experience.  I can tell you that I have NEVER seen her excited about math until now.  Instead of tears & being scared, its now smiles & wanting to play with numbers all the time!!

Hi, this is Isabella.  I'm a student at Easy as Pi Mathematics and I use to hate math.  I asked if I could go to tutoring.  Less than a week passed by and I understood a lot of things that I didn't know.  The teachers teach me so much it's incredible!  It's amazing how I used to be scared of math and now when my parents pick me up, I don't even want to leave.  That's how good Easy as Pi is!"

— James Jt Yanni

Owner and tutor Dayleen Taylor

A math lover at a very early age, Dayleen graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Brigham Young University. This background gives her a unique outlook on teaching math. It allows her to help others make the connections of math to our everyday world. She has experienced how the formulas one learns in Calculus can be used to predict flow patterns and movement and how math can be used to design anything from legos to spaceships.  Her knowledge and experience as a high school algebra teacher and college tutor combined with her love of children and mathematics inspired her to start "Easy as Pi Mathematics.


Contact us

Easy as Pi Mathematics

8988 W. Cheyenne #150

Las Vegas, NV 89129


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